Vouchers are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. (The expiry date is printed on your voucher). Provided you have made reasonable attempts to book a flight and have not managed to fly for operational reasons (Equipment or weather) if you contact us before the expiry date, we may extend your voucher for a further 3 months. This is subject to an admin fee of £10 for vouchers with a value of less than £130 and £20 for those valued over £130, plus any increase in the price of the activity since the original purchase date.
Please note: You should contact the Voucher booking line as soon as you can after receiving your e-voucher to discuss flight availability.
Glider Flight Requirements and Information:
Height Restrictions: Potential difficulty accommodating individuals over 6'4" (1.93 meters) due to glider size limitations. The availability of suitable gliders varies daily.
Weight Limit: Maximum allowable weight is approximately 16 stone 6lbs (103 kg).
Physical Fitness: Participants must be able to enter and exit the glider with minimal assistance.
Age Requirements:
No upper age limit.
Younger visitors must be accompanied by a guardian who can sign a legal disclaimer.
Participants must demonstrate maturity, benefit from the trial lesson, and be able to reach the controls.
Minimum age for flight is 12 years.
Pre-Visit Concerns: Contact us before your visit to address any questions or concerns.
Flight Instruction: All flights are conducted with qualified instructors.
Arrival and Safety Procedures:
Contact Upon Arrival: Call 07712 467401 upon reaching the airfield clubhouse for escort to the launch point by a club member.
Safety Rules: Adherence to safety protocols is required, especially regarding vehicle movement on live runways to protect gliders during takeoff and landing.
Booking and Office Hours:
Voucher Flights Booking: Call 07793 369279.
Office Hours: Tuesdays between 10am and 5pm
Please ensure to follow these guidelines for a safe and enjoyable gliding experience.